Ed in Europe! - Part 1 (Thanks to Hans)
Yep, for the first time in my 68+ yrs, I actually made it to Europe. Our son Hans shared his "airline miles" making it possible (what a son, eh?"). We two shared a very unique two weeks together. (More on its uniqueness later)
Part 1 - London
Ed at Buckingham Palace no sign of William & Kate
Part 1 - London

Ed at Buckingham Palace no sign of William & Kate
I flew a "red-eye" to London where I joined Hans who was finishing up a business trip in England ...yes, his work paid his flight over and back...
We stayed in a 'very English' hotel
Note Hans in red cap standing in Hotel doorway
Among other things, we went to Greenwich Naval Observatory and Museum...
...where we saw Admiral Lord Nelson's uniform he wore when fatally shot
at the 1805 Battle of Trafalgar...
Note the bullet-hole of Nelson's fatal wound on left shoulderAnd up the "London Eye' - the massive ferris wheel that's 450 ft high at the top!
Note Westminster Abby and Big Ben, on opposite bank of the Thames River
By a stroke of luck (blessing?), we were included in the "Champaign Guided Tour,"
even tho we had only paid for the standard ride(!). Portent of a great trip!
After two days, we left London via the Express "Chunnel" Train to Brussels.
We boarded at Paddington Station, seeing the 'Paddington Bear' Statue
of children's storybook fame...
Arriving in Brussels, we immediately embarked on our VERY UNIQUE, 10-day "Competitour" of the continent. We weren't sight-seeing, we were 'sight-doing!'
For some background, go to Competitours.com
(Note: I've received no remuneration from "Competitours, nor was I asked to write about them.)
---More to follow in subsequent Blog Posts--- Come back for more later!--Ed
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