We have had a full week of RAINS & HIGH WINDS here in Southern California, and the surf is up!
(However, even the “normally insane” local surfers are not venturing out in THESE waves!)
To see how the wind was blowing, check out Ed’s jacket & Shoshone’s face!

Wed, Jan 20, we were able to drive to the San Diego Ocean Beach area to see the surf whipped up by the storm.
Dozens of waves simultaneously dance like porpoises at play on the ocean.
The wind blows the breaking waves into lace.

No one is walking out there today…!
Note on scale:
Can you read the large "CAFE" lettering that fills the building wall at the end of the Pier?
...What about in the photo below?

ED and Karen, look out, even in calm weather a rogue wave can come up out of nowhere and snatch you out to sea. We learned this is Hawaii. do not go that near waves at any time. Nancy