January, 2010
We continue our full week of RAINS & HIGH WINDS here in Southern California, and the rivers & streams are swollen!
Know that we are doing just fine, thank God --MUCH better than tragic victims of natural forces elsewhere.
Where we live & work as Caretakers at Los Peñasquitos Historic Ranch House Park, the normally lazy Peñasquitos Creek has crested at 8+ft over flood level.
Right now (Thurs-Fri Jan 21-22) nobody can get in & out of the Park.
Why not?? ...Well, just take a look back the down road towards the Park Entrance:

The water is nearly three feet deep between the fences in the middle of that "puddle".
So while we're stranded here for a few days (hopefully), we're actually doing OK. We prepared for this by laying in lotsa food, propane for heat, and a good supply of library books & videos!
Yesterday during a break in the rain, we put on high boots and walked around our area. What a sight!
Here is Karen standing at a nearby trailhead in the Park.
The trail goes off thru the break in the trees to the left, crossing a footbridge (see sign).
Obvious, isn't it?
No trail...
No footbridge...
And THIS is the way we walk out of the Park!
Below, Karen is surveying (w/ some dismay) the Fruit Orchard planted last year in a field nearby. She won't need to irrigate these trees for a long while, eh?
Below she is in the large open field nearby ...Look carefully, you can you see her standing in the distance, off to the right ...
Only now the field has become "Alonzo Johnson Lake"
(we named it in honor of the pioneer who built the Ranch House in 1800's).
We're happy to report that our Motorhome is dry, cozy, warm, and on high ground. And that's not by chance: We're closeby to the historic Ranch House; and those "Californios" of the Mexican period 200 yrs ago knew exactly where to build the Adobe: in one of the few areas here always ABOVE the floods!